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Free and fast video editor that works with many formats

Free and fast video editor that works with many formats

Popular programs in Editors

What is Avidemux

Built under the GNU GPL license, Avidemux is a lightweight video editor for very simple tasks, including cutting, filtering and encoding. It supports a broad array of file types, while tasks can be automated by utilizing the program’s projects, job queue and scripting abilities. Usable on Windows and completely free, this little program contains far more editing capabilities than the average program. Easy to use for simple tasks and able to handle more complex projects, Avidemux is a strong choice when it comes to video editing software. Complete with a full set of instructions as well as an active forum, it is a far more powerful tool than it lets on.

Upon installing, its user interface appears very simple, but do not let this fool you. Aside from the mere basics of cropping a film or messing with the filters, there are many components that allow you to edit it in ways you never thought possible. There is a reason for the entire Wiki dedicated to all it can do. If you are looking for simple editing, the Quickstart guide is where you’ll want to head initially. However, if you want to really read about everything the editor is capable of, check out any of the other 16 guides that include Joblists, filters, multithreading and capturing analog. There is also a tutorials section that walks you through how to save just video or audio, how to encode and how to write your own filter. It supports over 20 different file formats including RAW, MPEG-4 and VP3, meaning that it is not only unbelievablly versatile but also extremely adaptive. The continual updates and bug fixes keep the program up to date with current media standards and needs. Though the changes occur often, this does not mean the layout itself undergoes much change. These updates merely serve to fix bugs as well as add more functionality (for example, adding features for better compatibility).

Whether you want to simply edit a video by cutting out certain parts or you want to mess with almost every aspect, Avidemux is the clear choice. By utilizing a rather dated and simple user interface, newer users can easily find their way around, while more advanced users can choose to access the areas that are a bit more detail-oriented. With its incredibly small file size, it is certainly no contender with fancier, more colorful editors, but that in no way means it does not sport an impressive array of features. If you want to start getting into video editing or already enjoy it, download Avidemux and continue your journey.


  • Free
  • Continually updated
  • Active support
  • Supports more than just the popular file types


  • Design is simple